Could Your Coaching Business Benefit From Professional Web Copywriting?

I know first-hand that coaching is transformational. However, with the coaching market currently oversaturated, it's not always easy for us to choose the right coach. And how can you, as the coach call in your ideal clients?

For new coaches, standing out online can feel like an uphill battle, taking a lifetime of work to see results.

To create a sustainable business, new and established coaches alike need to create a powerful online presence. And good copywriting contributes to this.

You’re busy focusing on the present moment, whether that’s coaching your clients towards the best results or you’re strategising your business vision. The last thing that you need is to be worrying about how catchy, readable, or SEO-friendly your copy is.

Yet, your website is one of the best ways to showcase your services. Plus, the more compelling your copy, the better your chances of discovery from new clients.

You don’t have to rely solely on social media for leads.

You can have a day off and have enquiries come through your inbox.

And no, you didn’t have to spend 30 mins each day engaging with people on social media! People reached out to YOU because they felt connected to your brand.

In this complete guide, we’re going to consider what great web copy looks like, why you need it, the use of AI and whether you need to hire a web copywriter to help you.

But first of all…

Where Does Your Website Fit Into the Buyer’s Journey?

There is a typical process that your audience will go through when they first come across you online. They initially become aware of you, they then consider and evaluate your offer, and finally decide whether or not to purchase. These are the phases of the buyer’s journey and your website will influence each stage.

Let’s see this in action:

Awareness - Introduce your values and the benefits of what you offer

Interest - Drive curiosity about you as a coach and why people should pay attention to your offer

Consideration - Educate your audience about your brand and your services

Conversion - Enable people to take the desired action in the simplest way possible

Retention - Deliver a good online experience so that customers return

By optimising the message on your website, you improve the customer’s journey and increase the chances of conversion.

Could You Write Website Copy Yourself?

I know what you’re thinking. I can write a decent sentence, so why don't I just take care of the website copy myself? It can’t be that hard, right?

The truth is that compelling copy requires a lot more than just a well-structured sentence or two. After all, clients aren’t just looking to see whether you’re literate.

People who come to you online want to know that you’re good at what you do, that you’re the coach for them and they want that information displayed in the most concise, viewer-friendly way possible. Otherwise, they’re at risk of going elsewhere.

Compelling web copy can set you apart as a trusted professional, as well as highlighting how your services differ from others. Sure, you can write copy yourself and many people do a great job at it but, for some, it can be incredibly time-consuming to create due to the amount of research required and writer’s block.

Research is essential in marketing otherwise, we make assumptions about our target’s wants and needs which can only lead to one disastrous consequence:


And when people are disconnected from your services, they won’t take action. Understanding what motivates your target audience to buy is essential for crafting persuasive and relevant copy.

Learning about the target audience, and understanding how the copy fits into the marketing plan therefore, plays an important part in a copywriter’s job amongst other things. With that said, if you enjoy writing and researching crafting your own copy could be a great option.

As well as being well-written, copy should serve to –

  1. Explain

  2. Intrigue

  3. Attract

  4. Convert

  5. Retain

To achieve all of these things, you need eye-catching, bold, and personable copy that’s not afraid to step outside of the box to get your point across.

You also need to be aware of SEO considerations, including using images, links, and keywords, which will help people find you online, and save you from relying on a single platform like social media to ensure conversions.

The Benefits of Working With a Copywriter

Working with an experienced copywriter makes it easier to ensure quality, informed, and well-planned copy is seen by your ideal clients. All of this can happen behind the scenes while you get on with running your business. You can expect a range of benefits, including –

# 1 - Extra time

Copywriting isn’t just stringing random words together for your website and then you’re done forever. It’s a lot more than that. As your business evolves, your online communication needs to reflect that too. Good copywriting is consistency in communication and it’s therefore an ongoing matter that needs attention. Other forms of communication could include:

  • Blog posts

  • Social media

  • Emails

  • Video scripts

  • And more

Managing all of this is a full-time job in itself, and many struggle to keep on top of it and run their business. The great thing about working with a copywriter is you save so much time. For example, researching and writing one marketing email can take me an hour from start to finish, but for someone who doesn’t have the experience, it could take hours and be less effective.

By bringing a professional on board, you buy yourself the freedom to do other things when you would otherwise be stuck staring at a screen using Chat GPT and still not get good results.

# 2 - Bringing a fresh perspective

No one knows your coaching business better than you. That’s an undeniable fact. However, being too close to your business can sometimes prove detrimental if you’re trying to do everything alone. Getting stuck in one headspace and failing to shake things up can see you falling short of reaching your ideal client every time.

With an outside perspective, and someone with experience marketing for similar businesses, a professional copywriter could help you see a new marketing angle you never would’ve discovered yourself. Let me give you an example.

Whilst on paper, coaches may have similar titles e.g. ‘life coach’, ‘business coach’, ‘relationship coach’ etc. you all have your own spin on things. This could be your own methodology, your previous experiences or a branded process that no one else owns apart from you. An experienced copywriter will give prompts to uncover your unique methodology. You may even see your business from another angle that you have never considered before.

If you're going to sell your services online, then you've got to make sure your copy is relatable because relatability helps establish a genuine connection. ⁠This connection makes your audience feel seen, heard, and understood, which helps build trust in your brand.

# 3 - Targeted messaging

Your message must be clear and speak to your ideal clients so they feel seen and heard. Once you meet them where they’re at, you have a greater chance of influencing them to work with you. You want to positively influence others and make people feel good after they’ve read your copy.

Professional copywriters understand and account for this, with copy that always focuses on a target persona. If you wrote your own web copy based on mood rather than a plan, you’d be at risk of steering off-topic.

How many times have you read something online that left you feeling more confused? That’s because the message wasn’t clear. Instead of sending mixed messages to your readers, there is a process to streamline your communication.

Good copywriters are also strategists. They will work closely with you to develop comprehensive plans that target your ideal customer, always keeping you one step ahead of your competitors who aren’t working with a marketing expert.

# 4 - Increased visibility with SEO

You probably know at least something about SEO (the chances are that you found me thanks to a Google search!), but with search engines constantly updating and shifting the content they promote, it takes effort to stay on top of Google.

Professionals who write websites that rank, and who do so on a full-time basis, are far better at getting to grips with the intricacies of SEO, including –

  • The right keywords

  • The use of backlinks and external links

  • Pictures and rich media

  • Search-friendly titles

  • Meta descriptions and metadata

  • And more

Whilst there is the option to learn SEO yourself, and that’s exactly what I did in 2017 when I started my travel blog — let’s be honest, it’s time-consuming.

Why not Just Use AI?

With all of this being said, we’re living in a modern world, which begs the question, why wouldn’t you just use AI to do it for you?

AI is a great tool if you nail the prompts.

This requires testing different inputs, and assessing the outputs against your standard. Hey, I also build AI into my processes and it works well.

But, AI is never a reliable replacement for working with a professional copywriter.

After all, great copy must be personable, natural, and accurately represent your brand voice, especially considering that your coaching business is all about your unique approach, and your marketing should influence ideal clients to choose you over another coach.

I’ve seen numerous instances of website copy and social media posts that sound identical because the AI-generated content was not edited. This is disastrous to the brands who preach ‘no cookie cutter coaching approaches’

We’re good at sniffing out BS, and with an influx of online coaches, it becomes even more important to stand out.

Belonging to the sea of sameness with AI-generated content is not.

Instead, a professional copywriter who takes the time to understand the motivations behind why your customers buy, your brand voice and inject that directly into your website means you’re in a far better position to get your website seen, respected, and finally securing conversions.

Enjoy All of These Benefits With Alison Copywriting

Professional copywriting services can bring out the best in your online coaching business.

If you want to work with a freelance copywriter from the UK, then my team and I can provide you with a comprehensive, informed, and professional approach to website copy that’s designed with your niche in mind. Forget worrying about what to write next, you can stand out with your amazingness.

To explore what professional copywriting could do for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your options today!